5 Keys to Reversing Habits and Strengthen Your Walk

If we are truly honest with ourselves we all have habits we can’t seem to break or habits we don’t know are habits, just because they have become so routine in our life. Its easy to get into the same old routine, day after day, doing the same old…same old.

Sure habits can be both positive and negative depending on what is being done. Knowing how to recognize when your habits have crossed the line can be key to maintaining healthy relationships, ensuring positive mental attitude, and supporting physical well being.

Habits left unchecked can eventually destroy. Even good habits taken to extreme can create areas of disconnect personally, relationally, and even physically.

Five keys to reversing habits and strengthening your walk all begin with God.

  1. Begin your day with the Lord

    This is the day the Lord made, you should rejoice and be glad. How often do you begin your day with the Lord? Before you get out of bed make it a habit to start your day with the Lord in prayer. Not only is it a good idea to begin your day with prayer, its also a good habit to pray throughout the day.

  2. Give thanks to the Lord

    It is easy to get into a routine, taking things for granted; assuming someone or something will always be around or available when the time is needed. We often take precious gifts for granted and forget where they came from. However, all good and perfect gifts come from above. Getting into the habit of thanking God no matter what the gift, will strengthen your walk.

  3. Work unto the Lord

    Many people look at their profession as a means to make money to pay bills or to support their pleasures; often complaining about the boss or the inconsiderate co-workers who never seems to pull their weight. Next time you find yourself complaining about your job or having to work an extra hour, remember you are not working for just your employer, you are working unto the Lord.

  4. Cast your cares on the Lord

    Lets face it, when things get worrisome, some have a tendency to cast their burdens on everything except the Lord. Sure we are to bear one another’s burdens, but we are also instructed to cast our cares on Him, because He cares. Getting into the habit of first going to the Lord with your worries and fears can help eliminate habitual patterns and strengthen your walk.

  5. Draw near to the Lord

    With life’s distractions we often forget to spend time with the Lord. With busy schedules and demanding deadlines, its hard to find time to cultivate a deeper relationship with God. If we don’t make time to spend with Him and develop a relationship, we can get into the habit of not needing Him. Make time to draw near. It could be the difference your life needs.

What habits or patterns need to change in your walk?

How will these changes benefit you in the different areas of your life? Personal, Professional, Relational?

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How to Make 2021 Well With Your Soul?

As the clock strikes 12:00 and the calendar rolls forward to the new year, the sound of Hallelujah will probably be the words uttered out of the mouths of many. We can all probably say 2020 has not been the best year for any of us….with nationwide lockdowns, mask mandates, unemployment, loss of loved ones, and needless to say shortages of toilet paper to vanished cans of Lysol, from grocery store shelves. How is it possible for anyone to say, It Is Well With My Soul when it feels like the world is spinning out of control. Yet in this world of unpredictability, we all have to stop for a moment and remember, we were never promised a life free of suffering and pain. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world (John 16:33 ). If this past year has taught us anything, it is how to be comfortable with that which is uncomfortable.

It would be nice to leave all of the cares and concerns of 2020 behind as we usher in the new year, but unfortunately, that will not be the case. As the new year comes in, this year’s problems will carry over…they won’t just magically disappear as the clock strikes midnight. So how can you make 2021 be well with your soul?

You need to REST in God’s promises and draw near to Him and He will give you the rest and peace, as you enter into the new year.

R Recognize your unrest and confess it to God.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9

E Establish time in your day to meditate and pray.

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you…James 4:8

S Strengthen your commitment and presence with others.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ Gal. 6:2

T Trust in God’s perfect will and provisions for the new year.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths Prov. 3:5-6

What do you need to let go of in 2020 to make 2021 well with your soul?


5 Ways to Find Peace Amid the Pressure

Do you ever feel like you cannot get a break? You come to a point in life where things finally seem to be settling down, a time where you can take a breather….only to realize the next chaotic moment is only beginning- One mountain top experience quickly followed by a valley interruption.

Sure, that is life….the ups and downs we all go through, but how do you find peace amid the pressure of what surrounds?


When things seem to go awry many often turn to other people, things, substances, etc. to find peace in the midst, of their unrest. Where is the first place you turn when your world seems to be falling apart? God’s Word say…

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give youI do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)

Come to meall you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30)

How often do you turn to God first and pray for peace in the midst of your unrest? Turning to Him first for direction, guidance, and comfort could mean the difference between feeling peaceful or pressured.


So often we find ourselves staying in the same patterns of life. Surrounding ourselves with situations, people, and other negative stressors that cause undue pressure that could be avoided.  Taking a full assessment of the things, people, situations, etc. that cause extra pressure is the start of eliminating unnecessary stress that could otherwise be avoided or redirected. Once you figure out who or what may be causing you extra pressure, you can begin to set or extend boundaries, as necessary.


Many people tend to hold on to negative emotions. Suppressing feelings and pretending nothing is bothersome; not realizing the effects those emotions have on their internal being. It is OK to acknowledge the pressures you may be experiencing. Reaching out to others and acknowledging the pressure you are experiencing can help lessen your burden. After all, God’s Word says….

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Gal. 6:2)

There are others out there who want to carry your burdens. Who can you reach out to today? Who is willing to help you carry your burdens?


It’s very easy to get caught up in media, whether it is social media or the nightly news.  With all the unrest in the world today, from disasters, to diseases, to politics, it is easy to let our thoughts captivate our mind. Many times, the things we watch or the things we read cause us undue pressure and disrupt the peace God wants us to have. Taking your thoughts captive and only focusing on those things that are pure can make a difference between peace and unrest.


The choices we make every day whether it be in the actions we display or the words we speak, all have an effect. Those choices can cause us to experience peace or convict us with feelings of unrest. As we chose to live a life that is pleasing to God, focusing on those things that are un-scene as opposed to those things that are scene, can give hope in the midst of pressure.

What do you need to do today to find peace amid your pressure?

What would it take to eliminate those things that cause unrest?

How could others help you with the pressure you are experiencing?

What changes do you need to make to live a life that is pleasing?




Know How To Say No!

Have you ever said YES to something you wish you would have said NO to? In the moment, saying YES seemed like the best thing to do, but in hindsight, NO would have been the better choice. Don’t feel bad, we have all been there. In the moment, we feel the pressure of agreeing to something….wondering, if I say NO, how will I be perceived? Who will think I am weak or not able to commit? When in fact, saying NO would have freed you up for more important tasks.

In a busy world, we are all bombarded with day in and day out commitments, responsibilities, and engagements. We often fill our world with “busyness” that overloads our calendars, fills us with emotional drain, and disrupts important relationships. Many women get caught up in the “idea” that saying YES to things will bring some sense of importance to themselves, offer a level of value to their being, or align them with a specific peer group they so desperately want to be a part of. When in essence, over committing and always agreeing to do something or be somewhere, can rob you of valuable time that can be placed on other more important things that have greater long term value. God’s Word states, let what you say be simply “Yes or No’ (Matt. 5:37). If only you could say NO, and stand behind that decision without guilt or regret. Great news…. it is easier to do than you think. Awareness is key to understanding when it is Ok to stand behind your decision to say NO.

When it is OK to say NO?

  • When you feel you are already overwhelmed and stressed.

  • When you are not feeling well and/or sick.

  • When you are already committed to doing something else.

When SHOULD you say NO?

  • When you feel you are being taken for granted.

  • When it is something you really do not want to do.

  • When there are other commitments that need your attention.

  • When your morals and values are being compromised.

  • When you need your own respite.

  • When you are not physically/emotionally able to give your all.

What things do you need to say NO to today?

What commitments have you overwhelmed yourself with?

What would you gain by saying NO to _________?

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Trash or Treasures


When I dropped my son off at college this weekend I could not help but notice the enormous amount of “stuff” each student was hauling into their apartments. As I pulled up to the unloading zone and watched each student unload their possessions onto the sidewalk, I wondered, Why, do we need so much stuff? Or rather….Do we need so much stuff?

In the distance I saw two large dumpsters piled high with empty boxes, broken containers, and discarded junk. What once had been considered prized possessions had now been downgraded to thrown
out trash. Forsaken items that no long serve their intended purpose… I could not help but wonder, where do we store our treasures? Is it in the possessions we have? Is it in the titles we carry? Is it in the associations we belong?  Some would answer yes to these questions. However, we are instructed NOT to store our treasures up here on earth, where moth and rust will destroy and thieves break in and steal. But instead to store
our treasures up in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal (Matt. 6:19-20).

As consumers we are quick to replace out dated items with the next latest and greatest. Only to realize within the next version or next generation, what was once valued is now out dated and no longer compatible.

When it comes to deciding if something is trash or treasure, stop for a moment and determine if the item you hold so treasured offers any kingdom rewards or if the item just satisfies the desires of your heart.

Where are your treasures?

What rewards do your treasures hold?

What do you need to let go of today, so you can begin to live for tomorrow?


How to Change Your Mindset

Have you ever had a goal you could not reach? You start off strong, only to find yourself procrastinating and unmotivated. You want to go for the “gusto” only to find your “gusto” has already come and gone. You want to run the race, but you realize you never even got to the starting gate. How do some people “make things happen” while others sit around and wonder “why things are not happening.” The difference….MINDSET.

Each person can set and achieve big goals, but for some… it seems harder to accomplish. Changing your mindset can make the difference.

We all get in a pattern of saying and doing the same thing over and over. Often thinking that our way is the right way…possibly the only way. We often fix our minds on those things that have been ingrained in our thoughts. Many people come from environments in which they have been told, by various people in their life, they will not amount too much or perhaps from situations in which they assume they “can never” do enough… Believing lies that are not true can limit you from moving forward. Remaining in the same pattern of thinking, limits your ability to see outside of the box and discover new possibilities.

Mindset is just that….”all in your head”. The good news is, you have the ability to change it, if you want!

Steps in changing your mindset

  1. Adjust your thinking.

  2. Turn off your inner critic! Don’t allow what others have said about you or have done to you, limit your thoughts or hinder your progress.

  3. Understand the “What” and figure out your “Why”.

  4. Set small SMART achievable goals. When you feel like you can never move forward, setting smaller daily goals gives you the confidence to build up to larger goals.

What has your mindset been fixated on?

Where do you need to change your mindset and move forward?

Looking for a coach to help you figure out what mindsets are holding you back? I would love to partner with you and uncover the obstacles that get in your way….


What Steals Your Joy?

As a little girl I can remember singing the song, “I’ve got joy, joy, joy, down in my heart” but what happens when you find it hard to even utter those words, let along express happiness when maybe you just don’t feel it…..There are many things that can cause us to lose joy. Recognizing those things that can rob you of joy is the first step in regaining the happiness you may so desire….

5 Things that Rob You of Joy

  1. Life Situations

  2. Spouse-Children-Boss-Extended Family

  3. Possessions

  4. Anxiety

  5. Bitterness and Unforgiveness


1. Life situation and circumstances are either within our control or outside of our control.
Determining which situations are within your control and leaving the rest to God will
free you up to have joy.

2. We have no control over the families we are born into. Accepting people for who they
are and not for what we want them to be will help us see them in a new light. We cannot
change others, we can only change our selves. When we look at others with a servants
heart and strive to serve as opposed to being served, then our disappointment levels
will decrease. Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve.

3. We are not to store our treasures up on earth, where moth and rust will destroy.
However, we often elevate our treasures higher than they need to be. Having things or
not having things can rob us of our joy. Envy in a man’s heart can steal joy.

4. Spending aimless time worrying about something that may or may not happen can
rob you of the joy God intends for your life. Worry can choke the word…..Worry is
sinful. Releasing your worry and anxieties to God, frees you so you can have joy. Cast your cares
on HIM, because he cares for you.

5. Holding on to the past and not forgiving can rob you of time and energy and decrease the
joy you have. God so loved the world that he forgave. To be imitators of Christ, we too,
need to forgive others and no longer be a slave to the bitterness it causes.

What things are stealing your joy?

What action can you take right away to regain your joy?


Where Does Your Help Come From?

In an unsettled season it is easy to let emotions, doubt, and fear overtake our lives. The thought of, will this ever end? The fear of the unknown, and the feeling of uncertainty can weigh heavy on even the most strong at heart. Its at the intersection of where emotions, doubt, and fear meet we can find true hope and healing if we look in the right direction.

In the moments of unrest,our hope cannot be found in our governing authority, our vocation we have or once had, or our finances. As the Psalmist said, ‘Where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.”

As our nation works through emotions, doubts, and fears let us look to the One who brings true hope and healing. When in doubt, look up….give thanks in ALL circumstances, even in circumstances that can seem so distressing and scary.

Where does your help come from?


Spring Into Action

 As our nation has been issued into a “forced pause” amid the coronavirus pandemic, many of us have used this time to do some early spring cleaning; ridding our lives of items we no longer use, no longer need,  or can no longer wear. However, have you ever thought of spring cleaning your heart and mind of the things that hold you back from a relationship with God and others?

So often we are quick to depart with the “things” in our lives; the earthly treasures that were once so precious at the time of purchase, but now have no value or use. What if we took the time to spring clean our lives and draw closer to the one who never goes out of style, who is always needed, and is there to be used in time of need.

During this “stay-at-home” pause in life, I challenge you to take the time to discover the beauty spring brings, cast your cares on Him, forgive others, trust, and give thank in all circumstances as you spring clean
your heart and mind during these challenging days.

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New Year! New Goals!

As the clock strikes 12 o’clock and the new year rolls in, time once again to set those New Year’s resolutions. But how often are those resolutions kept or rather, even started? Funny how we set out each new year with great ideas, big plans, and large goals only to never start them or rather peter out after the first week or so.

Resolutions and goals are achievable, only if you stick with them. But what causes us to lose interest or never even start? Could it be the goals we set are often too broad, not focused enough, or completely out of
touch with our own reality? The answer…. Yes, to all of the above.

Often people start out with goals that are too big. As the saying goes, How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time (of course, we do not eat elephants, but the concept is the same).  When we take on tasks or goals that are too large, it is hard to tackle the goal all at once. It is important to set larger goals but, tackle the larger goal by achieving smaller wins each and every day. If you start with small wins, it is more likely you will reach your larger goals.

Resolutions and goals should also be focused.  Just saying you want to “exercise” in the new year can mean a lot of things. What will be your focus? Will your focus be to do 3 sit ups a day or run 3 miles a week? When setting goals, be specific as to what you want to accomplish.

What is your reality? When setting goals, make sure they align with the actual reality you live in. If your goal is to spend more time at home during the week and your job requires you to be out of town 6 out of the 7
days, then your reality may not align with what you want to accomplish.

The key to reaching and achieving your goals is to be SMART in the process.

S- Be Specific.  The more specific you are, the easier your
goal is to start, work towards, and achieve.

M-Keep it Measurable. A measure lets you know
you have achieved your goal and enables you to track progress.

A-Make it Actionable. Are your goals your goals
and not someone else’s? Are your goals within your control?

R-Is it Realistic? Are your goals realistic to
you specifically? Goals should be challenging yet realistic.

T-Ensure its Timebound. Goals should motivate
you, give you a date to aim for, and plan towards.

What do you want to accomplish this New Year?

Exposed-Unmasking the Real You

Earlier this year I went to see the movie Overcomer. As I sat in the theater and contemplated the question posed by the character Thomas Hill, “Who are you?” I could not help but think how so many people, who claim to be believers, place their identity in something other than who they are in Christ.

As individuals we often hide behind the mask of our jobs, our intelligence, popularity, success, titles, status, and the list goes on. We hide behind those masks, only to fit in with the world around us, just to be accepted and liked. We often never truly expose who we really are, for fear someone might not like us or accept us as our true authentic self.

Why do we place so much importance on what others think? Could it be because we value the opinions of others more than we value the opinion of the one who created us? Think how freeing it could be to take the mask off and be who you were called to be.

What mask do you hide behind?

What would it take to be the true authentic you?

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Leaving Room for Margin

Remember back to first grade, when the teacher took you to the library to check out books. If you are anything like me, you would have chosen books with more pictures than writing- books with wide margins and large print, books you could read fast, and ones that were easy to understand. If only life could be as easy as reading those picture books again?

All too often we spend our days filled with unnecessary busyness that fills the margins of our lives. Never leaving time for the unexpected phone call from a friend that needs our help, or the pop-in visit from a neighbor, who just wants to catch up. The busyness of our lives often drowns out the things that could be the most meaningful and rewarding. God’s Word tells us to be still and know He is God ( Ps. 46:10 ). How often do we leave enough margin in our lives to be still enough to listen and obey? Could God be wanting you to stop filling your life with busyness and create more room for Him?

As we continue to add more and more things “to do”, we leave less room for the things that may make the biggest impact. What can you let go of today in order to leave margin for something or someone that may make a bigger impact in your life or who you can make an impact on?


Is Anyone Listening?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone only to walk away and wonder, “Did they “really” hear what I just said?” If you are like me, that seems to happen more often than not. Why is it no one seems to “really” listen anymore? Many people HEAR all day long, but very few seem to LISTEN. Could it be, listening takes more effort and may require you to enter into someone else’s world you may not have time for?

The need to be heard and rightly understood is seeded in all of us. Yet, when it comes to really “listening” to someone, it takes time, effort, and patience. All too often we are so self consumed with our own lives, we fail to take the time to intentionally listen to others. Leaving conversations empty and shallow. Many times being quick to hear, quick to speak, and quick to anger. Instead of being, quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger James 1:19.

Hearing what others say is easy, but listening involves more. Listening is a full body response and involves all senses. Listening also involves the heart. The next time you listen to someone, not only pay attention to the words that are spoken, but also listen to what is being conveyed from the heart. You will be amazed at how your relationships begin to flourish, when you stop hearing and begin to listen.

What would happen if we took extra time to listen to others today?

How could your relationships be improved, if you listened better?


How to Optimize Productivity

Optimization…the new “buzz” word of the day. Everything from your car, to your computer, to even your wardrobe needs to be optimized, in order to get its best possible use.  However, when it comes to getting things done, completing a task or project, it is essential to “optimize” in order to be productive. How many times have you set out to do a task only to be interrupted by others, come up short on time, or simply burnout before the assignment is complete? In order to “optimize” your productivity make sure you factor in the following key components into the process….

O-Outsource as much as you can. Get others to help you. If you are not an expert in a certain area, seek others who are experts.

P-Plant barriers. Put barriers in place that will guard against taking you away from focusing on the project.

T-Timelines. Set timelines to complete the project.  

I-Identify Interrupters. Recognize those individuals, situation, etc. that cause interruptions.

M-Minimize wasted time. Quit trying to multi-task. Stay focused on the task at hand.

I-Incorporate breaks. Taking small breaks can help improve your concentration and improve performance.         

Z-Zap notifications-Turn off email, Snapchat, Twitter, notifications, etc. These can distract and take you off course from finishing the task.

E-Embrace enjoyment. Find time for the things you love. It does not have to be all work and no play.

What 3 action steps do you need to take today to maximize your productivity?


The Empty Nest-Finding Joy in an Empty House

What a precious gift it is to be a mother. The joy and pain that comes along with being a parent, is priceless and something not to be taken for granted. However, there comes a day when our job descriptions change and our duty as a caretaker ceases to be no longer. The day in which our babies leave the nest, and begin their life, as a young adults. Bitter sweet, to say the least… but something that happens to every parent sooner or later.

As I watched my son collect his possessions last summer and pack the car for his first year of college, thoughts of sadness and joy filled my heart. For the past 18 years, I have watched this young man grow from being a boy to a man. I have cared for him when he was sick, taught him how to ride his bike, helped him tie his first bowtie, endured riding with him as he learned how to drive a car, and  listened well as he walked through various relationship breakups. Now it was time….this young man was about to spread his wings and fly.

It is normal to feel a sense of grief when your children leave the nest. After all, for 18 years they have been a huge part of your life. Feelings of sadness will be present, feelings of emptiness will be experienced, and feelings of joy will be right around the corner, as you look towards the possibilities of new beginning, in your life and in your child’s life.

Tips on finding joy in your empty nest

Allow yourself to grieve. Although you are not “losing” your child, you are letting go of something you know and love. Give yourself permission to grieve and cry, is normal and expected.

Find other parents experiencing the same transition. There is comfort in knowing others are going through the same experience.

Give yourself time. Do not rush. Within a few weeks, you will adapt to your new family dynamics.

Take time to reinvest in your relationship with your spouse, if you are married. Schedule date nights, go on a vacation, etc. If single, find some activities you enjoy and spend time meeting new people in those activities.

There is a time for everything under heaven. This is one of those times. Letting your eagles fly is the beginning of a new adventure…..not only for them, but for you too.





Certainty in the Uncertain

Nothing in this life is certain! From day to day we do not know if we will be here today or  gone tomorrow, if our jobs will be secure, our finances stable, or if our friendships will remain intact. There is no guarantee for anything…..We often live in a state of confusion, worried about what will happen, what may never happen, or what could potentially happen. We spend our lives consumed with the “what if’s”.  But… what “if” you could live your life being certain in the uncertainty? What would that look like? What would that feel like?

Certainty is the firm conviction that something is the case, it is reliably true, and definite.

Instead of building our lives on those things that can be taken away. Why not build it on the one thing that is reliable and true?

Life is constantly changing, but one thing that never changes is God. In the midst of our ever changing lives, He is the steady constant that never changes. Yet when we are faced with adversity we often run to those things that are uncertain, those things that can be taken away. Why not place your hope in the one who is certain, the one who never changes?

Where will your road of uncertainty lead?

What things, people, or ideas have you placed your certainty in?


Stressed Beyond Measures

Have you ever felt like you can never get a break? The car dies, the kids are late, the in-laws show up and the dog needs a bath, all in the same day!

You feel as if you have been run through the ringer and look as if you have been rode hard and put up wet. You finally find time to go on vacation, only to realize you need another vacation to recover from all of the laundry you have, when you return.

Today’s women are more stressed than ever before. You would think with the invention of technology life would be easier and faster. After all doesn’t the microwave make dinners faster? Doesn’t the Smart Phone turn finding a babysitter into ease, with just the click of a button on an App? Sure technology has made things easier, but if we take a closer look we will see, the faster and quicker we make our lives, the more opportunity it gives us to fill our time with other “things” that rob us of joy, max out our calendars, and strip us of our energy. Faster is not always better, quicker does not come with ease, and easier has its limitations.

When was the last time you “really” sat down and became STILL?  

When was the last time you cast your cares upon Him?

Life will always have stress. However, there are practical ways to elevate the degree stress plays.

1.       Invite God into your world. Cast your cares on him because he cares for you. Make time for prayer.

2.       Maintain order. Organize your day, your week, etc.. Eliminate things that rob you of time and energy.

3.       Factor in exercise during your day. Exercise releases chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals trigger positive responses in the body.

4.       Eat healthy and get proper sleep.  Balanced eating and adequate sleep are essential for maintaining a healthy body.

5.       Avoid negative stressors. Set boundaries up for those people who create negative stress in your life.

6.       Renew your mind. Read God’s Word, spend time with those you love, take a few minutes to refresh your own soul.






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Comparison-The Robber of Joy

Yes, I do it too from time to time…. compare myself to others, to see if I measure up.

Against what? I am not sure!

So why do we continue this self-defeating behavior over, and over again? Perhaps it is because we want to be accepted.  We compare our selves to those who give the appearance of what we want to be. We want to “fit in” with the world around us. We want to be “like the other.”  Never being content with who we are and what we have.

The world teaches us success looks a certain way, large homes, nice cars, beautiful figures, booming careers, etc. Time and time again, we fall for this “idea” of what success is supposed to be. Comparing the haves of this life, to the have nots.

Comparison breeds either discontentment or pride. When we see what others have and compare it to what we do not have, discontentment can form.

When we compare ourselves to those who do not have what we have, then pride is birthed.

Neither discontentment or pride are fruits of the Spirit. The next time you find yourself comparing yourself to someone around you remember…..

You will never be “like” someone else. Be yourself.  You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You are loved just the way you are.  Be who God has called you to be.

Be grateful for what you have. Every good and precious gift is from above. Be thankful for even the small things.  

Perception is not always reality. What you see in others may not always be true. Do not allow your perception to fool you!!!


Who or what are you comparing yourself to?

How is this comparison stealing your joy?


Called to Coach

Each of us have a calling, a God given talent or gift to offer others. Never would I have imagined my journey would have led me to becoming a Christian Life Coach. In Called To Coach, by Janice LaVore-Fletcher, I am thrilled to share my story as a contributing author, along with 50 other amazing coaches, who have followed their calling. On sale now at Amazon.com. Also available through direct purchase from Oaks Grace Coaching.


Where Does the Time Go?

There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day, yet there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. There are deadlines to meet, bills to pay, children to feed, and errands to run. Figuring out how to fit it all in can be overwhelming, taxing, and discouraging to say the least.

As women, we often take on more than we can handle, volunteering for too many committees, running kids back and forth to practice, playing tennis with the girls, scheduling lunch with a friend while wondering, where did the time go?  

Time management is not about “time” at all. Time management is about how you manage YOU! Each of us are given the same amount of time each day. How we chose to “manage” that time is up to us. Learning to manage time well involves, skill, motivation, and determination. There will always be “tasks” to do. However, if you MANAGE well, you might find extra time for those things that mean the most.

5 Steps to MANAGE Your Time

M-Make a list/check things off

A-Assign priority to Items

N-Know how to say NO!

A-Align your personal core values with your actions

G-Guard against interrupters and intruders

E-Enlist the help of others


What items do you need to put on your list today?

Which task will produce the greatest reward?

Who or what might be interrupting you from accomplishing your goal?  

