Leaving Room for Margin

Remember back to first grade, when the teacher took you to the library to check out books. If you are anything like me, you would have chosen books with more pictures than writing- books with wide margins and large print, books you could read fast, and ones that were easy to understand. If only life could be as easy as reading those picture books again?

All too often we spend our days filled with unnecessary busyness that fills the margins of our lives. Never leaving time for the unexpected phone call from a friend that needs our help, or the pop-in visit from a neighbor, who just wants to catch up. The busyness of our lives often drowns out the things that could be the most meaningful and rewarding. God’s Word tells us to be still and know He is God ( Ps. 46:10 ). How often do we leave enough margin in our lives to be still enough to listen and obey? Could God be wanting you to stop filling your life with busyness and create more room for Him?

As we continue to add more and more things “to do”, we leave less room for the things that may make the biggest impact. What can you let go of today in order to leave margin for something or someone that may make a bigger impact in your life or who you can make an impact on?
