Is Anyone Listening?
/Have you ever had a conversation with someone only to walk away and wonder, “Did they “really” hear what I just said?” If you are like me, that seems to happen more often than not. Why is it no one seems to “really” listen anymore? Many people HEAR all day long, but very few seem to LISTEN. Could it be, listening takes more effort and may require you to enter into someone else’s world you may not have time for?
The need to be heard and rightly understood is seeded in all of us. Yet, when it comes to really “listening” to someone, it takes time, effort, and patience. All too often we are so self consumed with our own lives, we fail to take the time to intentionally listen to others. Leaving conversations empty and shallow. Many times being quick to hear, quick to speak, and quick to anger. Instead of being, quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger James 1:19.
Hearing what others say is easy, but listening involves more. Listening is a full body response and involves all senses. Listening also involves the heart. The next time you listen to someone, not only pay attention to the words that are spoken, but also listen to what is being conveyed from the heart. You will be amazed at how your relationships begin to flourish, when you stop hearing and begin to listen.
What would happen if we took extra time to listen to others today?
How could your relationships be improved, if you listened better?