Exposed-Unmasking the Real You
/Earlier this year I went to see the movie Overcomer. As I sat in the theater and contemplated the question posed by the character Thomas Hill, “Who are you?” I could not help but think how so many people, who claim to be believers, place their identity in something other than who they are in Christ.
As individuals we often hide behind the mask of our jobs, our intelligence, popularity, success, titles, status, and the list goes on. We hide behind those masks, only to fit in with the world around us, just to be accepted and liked. We often never truly expose who we really are, for fear someone might not like us or accept us as our true authentic self.
Why do we place so much importance on what others think? Could it be because we value the opinions of others more than we value the opinion of the one who created us? Think how freeing it could be to take the mask off and be who you were called to be.
What mask do you hide behind?
What would it take to be the true authentic you?