Know How To Say No!
/Have you ever said YES to something you wish you would have said NO to? In the moment, saying YES seemed like the best thing to do, but in hindsight, NO would have been the better choice. Don’t feel bad, we have all been there. In the moment, we feel the pressure of agreeing to something….wondering, if I say NO, how will I be perceived? Who will think I am weak or not able to commit? When in fact, saying NO would have freed you up for more important tasks.
In a busy world, we are all bombarded with day in and day out commitments, responsibilities, and engagements. We often fill our world with “busyness” that overloads our calendars, fills us with emotional drain, and disrupts important relationships. Many women get caught up in the “idea” that saying YES to things will bring some sense of importance to themselves, offer a level of value to their being, or align them with a specific peer group they so desperately want to be a part of. When in essence, over committing and always agreeing to do something or be somewhere, can rob you of valuable time that can be placed on other more important things that have greater long term value. God’s Word states, let what you say be simply “Yes or No’ (Matt. 5:37). If only you could say NO, and stand behind that decision without guilt or regret. Great news…. it is easier to do than you think. Awareness is key to understanding when it is Ok to stand behind your decision to say NO.
When it is OK to say NO?
When you feel you are already overwhelmed and stressed.
When you are not feeling well and/or sick.
When you are already committed to doing something else.
When SHOULD you say NO?
When you feel you are being taken for granted.
When it is something you really do not want to do.
When there are other commitments that need your attention.
When your morals and values are being compromised.
When you need your own respite.
When you are not physically/emotionally able to give your all.
What things do you need to say NO to today?
What commitments have you overwhelmed yourself with?
What would you gain by saying NO to _________?