Where Does Your Help Come From?

In an unsettled season it is easy to let emotions, doubt, and fear overtake our lives. The thought of, will this ever end? The fear of the unknown, and the feeling of uncertainty can weigh heavy on even the most strong at heart. Its at the intersection of where emotions, doubt, and fear meet we can find true hope and healing if we look in the right direction.

In the moments of unrest,our hope cannot be found in our governing authority, our vocation we have or once had, or our finances. As the Psalmist said, ‘Where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.”

As our nation works through emotions, doubts, and fears let us look to the One who brings true hope and healing. When in doubt, look up….give thanks in ALL circumstances, even in circumstances that can seem so distressing and scary.

Where does your help come from?
