Comparison-The Robber of Joy
/Yes, I do it too from time to time…. compare myself to others, to see if I measure up.
Against what? I am not sure!
So why do we continue this self-defeating behavior over, and over again? Perhaps it is because we want to be accepted. We compare our selves to those who give the appearance of what we want to be. We want to “fit in” with the world around us. We want to be “like the other.” Never being content with who we are and what we have.
The world teaches us success looks a certain way, large homes, nice cars, beautiful figures, booming careers, etc. Time and time again, we fall for this “idea” of what success is supposed to be. Comparing the haves of this life, to the have nots.
Comparison breeds either discontentment or pride. When we see what others have and compare it to what we do not have, discontentment can form.
When we compare ourselves to those who do not have what we have, then pride is birthed.
Neither discontentment or pride are fruits of the Spirit. The next time you find yourself comparing yourself to someone around you remember…..
You will never be “like” someone else. Be yourself. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You are loved just the way you are. Be who God has called you to be.
Be grateful for what you have. Every good and precious gift is from above. Be thankful for even the small things.
Perception is not always reality. What you see in others may not always be true. Do not allow your perception to fool you!!!
Who or what are you comparing yourself to?
How is this comparison stealing your joy?